Sunday, February 5, 2012

Google Adsense Tips, Tricks, and Secrets

Google Adsense Tips, Tricks, and Secrets

I’vebeen reading a few forums and blogs about Google Adsense tips lately, andthought it would be helpful to consolidate as many as possible in one placewithout the comments. I’ve also thrown in a few tips of my own. We start outwith some of the basic general stuff and move to the more specific topics lateron.

Build an Empire?

When you’re deciding to become a website publisher you willfall into one of two broad categories:
Publish 100 websites that each earn $1 a day profit
Publish 1 website that earns $100 a day profit

The reality of it is, most people end up somewhere inbetween. Having 100 websites leaves you with maintenance, management andcontent issues. Having one website leaves you open to all sort of fluctuations(search engines algorithm’s, market trends, etc). You can adapt your plan onthe way, but you’ll have an easier time if you start out going in the directionof where you want to end up.

General or Niche

You can build your website around general topics or nicheones. Generally speaking niche websites work better with adsense. First off thead targeting is much better. Secondly as you have a narrow focus your writingnaturally becomes more expert in nature. Hopefully this makes you moreauthority in your field.

If this is your first try at building an adsense website,make it about something you enjoy. It will make the process much easier andless painful to accomplish. You should however make sure that your topic hasenough of an ad inventory and the payout is at a level you are comfortablewith. You may love medieval folk dancing, but the pool of advertisers for thatsubject is very small (in fact it’s currently zero).

Once you’ve gotten the hang of howAdsense works on a website, you are going to want to dabble in some high payingkeywords, you may even be tempted to buy a high paying keyword list. This doescome with some dangers. First off the level of fraud is much higher on the bigmoney terms. Secondly there is a distortion of the supply and demandrelationship for these terms. Everyone wants ads on their website that make $35or more a click, however the number of advertisers who are willing to pay thatmuch is pretty limited. Additionally the competition for that traffic is goingto be stiff. So, don’t try to run with the big dogs if you can’t keep up. Ifyou have to ask if you’re a big dog, then chances are, you’re not. I have useda high dollar keywords report from
and was pleased with my results (see cash keywords free offerrecap).

New Sites, Files and Maintenance

When you’re building a new site don’tput adsense on it until it’s finished. In fact I’d go even farther and saydon’t put adsense on it until you have built inbound links and started gettingtraffic. If you put up a website with “lorem ipsum” dummy or placeholder text,your adsense ads will almost certainly be off topic. This is often true for newfiles on existing websites, especially if the topic is new or different. It maytake days or weeks for google’s media bot to come back to your page and get theads properly targeted.

TIP:If you start getting lots of traffic from a variety of IP’s you will speed thisprocess up dramatically.

I like to build my sites using includefiles. I put the header, footer and navigation in common files. It makes itmuch easier to maintain and manage. I also like to put my adsense code ininclude files. If I want/need to change my adsense code, it’s only one file Ihave to work with.

TIP: I also use programming to turn the adsense on or off. Ican change one global variable to true or false and my adsense ads will appearor disappear.

Managing URL’s and channels

Adsense channels is one area where it’s really easy to gooverboard with stats. You can set up URL channels to compare how one website isdoing to another. You can also set up sub channels for each URL. If you wantedto you do something channels like this:
§ – 728 banner
§ – 336 block
§ – text link
§ – 728 banner
§ – image banner
§ – 336 block
§ – 300 block

While this is great for testing andknowing who clicks where and why, it makes your reporting a little wonky. Yourtotal number will always be correct but when you look at your reports with achannel break down things will get displayed multiple times and not add up tocorrect total. Makes things pretty confusing, so decide if you really need/wantthat level of reporting detail.

TIP:At the very least you want to know what URL is generating the income so be sureto enter distinct URL channels.


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